FIX: Adobe Acrobat does not allow connection to

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If you cannot open hyperlinks from Adobe Acrobat documents because of the error “Adobe Acrobat does not allow connection to: %URL%”, in this article you will find out how to solve the problem easily.

Symptom: When you try to open a hyperlink from a PDF file in Acrobat Reader, you receive a security risk message that says “Adobe Acrobat does not allow connection to this URL”.

Adobe Acrobat does not allow connection to URLAdobe Acrobat does not allow connection to URL


Cause: This error usually occurs due to Adobe Acrobat Trust Manager settings that may not allow connections to external links for your security.

How to FIX: Adobe Acrobat does not allow connection to hyperlinks.

Step 1. Allow the URL to be opened.

1. From the File menu select Preferences, or press Ctrl + K.

2. Select Trust Manager on the left, and then on the right click Change Settings .

Trust Manager Trust Manager


3. Here, under ‘Web Sites’ select the blocked URL and select Allow access or click the Delete button to remove it from that list. Then, click OK & OK to apply the change and then restart Acrobat.

FIX: Adobe Acrobat does not allow connection to URLFIX: Adobe Acrobat does not allow connection to URL

4. Now open the PDF document and try again to open the URL link in it. If you receive the same error, proceed to step-2.

Step 2. Allow PDF files to access all web sites.

1. Re-open Acrobat’s Preferences (Ctrl + K) and go to Trust Manager > Change Settings.

2. Select on the top: Allow PDF files to access all web sites, click OK twice and restart Acrobat.

Allow PDF files to access all web sites.Allow PDF files to access all web sites.

3. Try again to open a link from a PDF document and if you receive the same error, proceed to next step.

Step 3. Disable Protected Mode & Enhanced Security.

1. Re-open Acrobat’s Preferences (Ctrl + K) and select Security (Enhanced).

2. Uncheck the options Enable Protected Mode at startup & Enable Enhanced Security.

3. Click OK to apply the changes and restart Adobe Acrobat.

Disable Protected Mode & Enhanced Security.Disable Protected Mode & Enhanced Security.

4. Check again if you can open URLs from PDF documents, and if not, go to the next step.

Step 4. Add URL to Trusted sites.

1. Open Acrobat’s Preferences (Ctrl + K) and select Security (Enhanced).

2. Click View Windows Trusted Sites.

Add URL to Trusted sites - acrobatAdd URL to Trusted sites - acrobat

3. On ‘Internet Options’ window, select the Restricted sites and click the Sites button below.


4. In the “Websites” list, check if the URL you are trying to visit from the PDF document is listed, and if so, Remove it. When done, click Close & continue click OK to apply the changes.

5. Finally, restart Acrobat, and check if you can open hyperlinks in PDF files.


Step 5. Remove & Reinstall Adobe Acrobat.

If, after following the steps above, the problem is not fixed, then there may be a bug in the Acrobat application that is causing the problem. So, proceed to uninstall and reinstall Adobe Acrobat on your computer and see if that fixes the problem.

1. Press simultaneously the Windows  + R keys to open the run command box.
2. Type: appwiz.cpl and click OK.


3. Select the Adobe Acrobat, click the Uninstall button and follow the instructions to uninstall the program from your computer.


4. When done, download and install the Acrobat Reader version. (

That’s all folks! Which solution worked for you?
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